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Have a question about external funding?

Two offices on campus are responsible for the review and approval of external funding requests, also known as grant proposals, 协议或合同:赞助项目和研究办公室(OSPR), and Corporate & 大学发展中的基础关系(CFR). The former is responsible for approving ALL non-gift external funding requests; in addition, the latter is responsible for approving both gift and non-gift external funding requests to private sponsors, i.e. 公司、基金会和非政府组织.

大学先进会负责给十大平台网赌的慈善捐赠. 这些礼物有助于资助各种各样的需求,比如奖学金, endowed chairs, new facilities and other areas, including research, critical to the University’s mission. 进步会获得的大部分捐款都是以礼物的形式. However, 一些捐款来自私人来源(公司), foundations, (或非政府组织)是针对赞助项目的,并且需要与向公共赞助商(联邦政府)提出的资助请求相同的审查过程, state and local governments, and government agencies). OSPR负责审查和提交外部资金申请,并接受所有大学基础研究的外部资金, educational, 培训和其他项目,发起者规定的条款和条件,以换取其财政支持.

赞助项目是一种接受外部支持的活动,附带有关资金支出的条件, such as requiring a tangible (e.g. (书面报告)或无形的最终产品, or obligating the University to return support if project objectives are not realized. In contrast, 赠与是没有赠与规定的扶养,可以按照与赠与人的约定由事业单位使用.

如果您的请求将发送给公共赞助商,请联系OSPR以获得指导. 如果您的请求将发送给私人赞助商,请联系CFR以获得指导. 在这个过程中应该尽早联系双方. 两个办公室的工作人员都可以回答问题, 提供建议,并向你推荐其他大学资源寻求帮助. 一旦提案准备好了,并且得到了主管的审查和批准, it should be submitted, along with a signed Proposal Summary and Approval Form and all supporting materials, 到OSPR或CFR(取决于赞助商的类型). 当项目涉及诸如费用分摊等制度问题时,应在提交截止日期之前与研究主任直接联系, new programs, 休假和/或课程买断. 与院长的联系最好通过OSPR处理.

Yes. Your department chair, 主管或行政主管必须了解您寻求外部资金的计划,并批准资金将支持的活动. Thus, before submitting your external funding request to either OSPR or CFR for internal review and approval, your department chair, 主任或你直接向其汇报的人将需要审查你的资助申请,并签署提案摘要和批准表格. 我们建议你在这个过程的早期就和这个人联系.

Yes, particularly if there is a preliminary budget required as part of the pre-proposal. In addition, 许多私人赞助商只允许每个机构提交一份提案, so CFR needs to make sure that multiple inquiries are not being submitted in these cases.

你应该给OSPR五个工作日的时间来审查和批准你的请求. For private sponsors, CFR requires five business days for review and approval in addition to OSPR’s five days. In other words, proposals with specific submission deadlines should be submitted for internal review: to OSPR at least one week prior to deadline for public sponsors; or to CFR at least two weeks prior to deadline for private sponsors. 以便加快审查和批准过程, proposals should be in final, or close to final, form when submitted for internal review and all items being submitted should be included. 如果你正在计划通过NIH或拨款进行电子提交.政府强烈鼓励增加交货期.

No. Clark is the legal entity that is applying for funding and to which a grant award is made. Accordingly, basic organizational information is available on the OSPR web site for inclusion in proposals. Institutional attachments, 比如十大平台网赌的国税局裁定信, audited financial statements, list of trustees, operating budget, 或其他经常要求的文件可从OSPR或CFR获得. Because private sponsors sometimes ask for institutional information that must be compiled from multiple sources, CFR要求有充足的准备时间来提供此类信息. Please provide a list of all required institutional attachments as early as possible in the application process.

Sometimes. Grants and contracts are typically awarded to the institution, on behalf of faculty and staff. 然而,有些奖项是直接颁发给个人的. 大学是否将管理和报告补助金, 它必须通过这里描述的流程提交. If an individual will be receiving an award directly and is responsible for its administration, 那份申请不会通过大学. 请注意,向个人提供的奖励可能涉及税务问题, 因此,在这些情况下,最好咨询会计师或律师.

Yes. In certain cases, 赞助商可能不提供管理费用报销,或者只提供Clark协商协议中间接费用允许的一小部分. 确定赞助商允许的间接费用的百分比并将其应用到您的预算中是很重要的. 担保人愿意提供的费用和大学要求的费用之间的差额被认为是“费用分摊”.” Before a proposal is submitted, 费用分摊必须得到研究主任的批准,因为大学必须了解其对项目的财务义务. If the agency includes information in their guidelines concerning the payment of indirect costs, please include a copy of this with your supporting materials as this will speed up the review process.

Learn more about indirect costs

The appropriate indirect cost rate to apply is determined by where the preponderance of project work is to be done. If, for example, 51%或更多的工作计划在校园内进行, then the on-campus rate should be used. 进行实地考察或使用校外设施进行短期项目相关活动不符合校外费率. 根据联邦管理和预算办公室(见OMB通告A-21),不允许在同一项目预算中对不同项目使用校内和校外费率, 教育机构成本原则. Thus, there can be no “blended” rates.

Learn more about indirect costs

In some cases, yes. Faculty or staff with 9- or 10-month appointments or otherwise working part-time can receive salary support, 但这对不同的赞助商意味着不同的东西. NIH, for example, allows investigators or project directors to receive three months of summer salary. NSF only permits two months. The best advice is to check the grant guidelines and follow up with the sponsor if needed. Faculty or staff with 12-month appointments cannot receive additional compensation from external funding sources. Fringe benefits must be calculated and included in your budget if you are requesting salary support.

对其资助或赞助项目提案中的课程买断感兴趣的教师应尽快与OSPR联系,讨论预算和批准要求. After that discussion it will be necessary to gain approval from the department chair, 教务副教务长(面向早期职业教师), and the Dean of Research. 这些都必须在拨款提交之前做好.

Add one-eighth of your academic year salary to one-eighth of your fringe benefits for the total. 以9个月的学年工资计算,课程买断相当于1美元.125 months.

Yes, Clark is registered with grants.gov和OSPR负责通过此门户网站提供电子提交所需的信息. Please allow extra time for these submissions (at least 2-3 weeks ahead of the submission deadline).

Working on a project funded by an outside agency to another college or university is, in principle, 与直接向赞助商申请外部资助没有什么不同. 在明确合作机构将提出申请后,应尽快与OSPR或CFR联系. In effect, you are applying to the lead university to fund your research, program or project. 你必须向它提供你提议的工作的描述和预算,其中包括适当的直接和间接成本. 这些信息需要审查和批准, 就像其他外部资金申请一样, 在牵头院校提交申请前. If the proposal is successful, 牵头机构将以分包合同或分赠款的形式向十大平台网赌作出裁决,其中包含与其受约束的相同条款和条件.

Learn more about indirect costs

Clark是牵头机构的合作提案通常比其他资金申请需要更多的准备时间. 重要的是与科学研究所联系,以便它能够与参与大学和/或其他参与组织的适当行政官员建立联系. 在提案可以发送给发起人之前, 十大平台网赌必须得到每个合作机构的授权官员的许可,这一点至关重要. Keep in mind that budgets involving sub-awards have limitations on the indirect costs allowed. 请与OSPR联系以获得任何包含次级奖励的预算援助.

Learn more about indirect costs

在机构奖的情况下不是这样. In these cases, agreements accompanying an award need to be signed by an authorizing official in Clark’s administration. (有时赞助商会提供一个空间,让项目主管或首席研究员和授权官员共同签署此类文件.)十大平台网赌的“授权官员”被指定为研究主任. Accordingly, 所有来自公共赞助商的机构奖励信应在收到后转交给OSPR,以确保适当的记录和处理. 所有私人赞助商的获奖信和随附材料, including the mailing envelope, 应盖上日期章并转发到CFR.

请将公众赞助者支票直接寄给助学金会计. Please send private sponsor checks, 连同获奖信和所有随附材料, 包括已盖上日期戳以表明收到日期的邮寄信封, to CFR.

对于绝大多数的赞助项目, faculty can transfer grants when they are the principal investigator or project director. However, 为支持项目或其他一般目的而授予十大平台网赌的机构补助金仍保留在大学中.

赞助商的资金可以用于研究以外的许多目的. Support for conferences, travel and curriculum development are just a few of the categories funded by external agencies.

Depending on the research focus, there are sponsors that have programs designed to provide support for researchers who, for a variety of reasons, 已经有相当长的一段时间不活跃了,或者他们的兴趣发生了巨大的变化,希望在一个新的领域工作.

要增加获得资助的机会,在某一领域的经验和已证明的成功记录是无可替代的. However, many sponsors have programs specifically set aside to support new or young investigators. Public sponsors, in particular, 倾向于维持一个公平的竞争环境,并根据提案的质量而不是申请人的声誉来提供资金.

OSPR’s website, contains proposal preparation tips and research tools to assist you if you choose to look for external funding. It also contains institutional information often requested by sponsors as well as internal forms and instructions. 一旦你完成了对可能资金来源的初步研究, Corporate and Foundation Relations can help with additional research on private sponsors using their online subscription services. In addition, 当发现教职员工可能感兴趣的资助机会时,CFR会通知校园内的各个部门.

Proposal preparation is primarily the responsibility of the person seeking funding. CFR协助机构和部门向符合十大平台网赌战略重点的私人赞助商提出的提案准备. For additional information, contact Jennifer Hitt, Director of CFR.

有关奖助金后的管理资料,请浏览 Grants Accounting.  OSPR在整个授予后的过程中与拨款会计密切合作.

Contact Information

Sponsored Programs and Research

  • Jefferson 5th Floor, Atwood
    Clark University
    950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • Lisa Gaudette, Director

  • 1-508-421-3835
  • lgaudette[at]clarku[dot]edu